Manifestation Journal: The Secret to Achieving Your Goals

CoachHub · 21 September 2022 · 8 min read

What is a manifestation journal?

A manifestation journal is a written tool that helps you realize your goals and ambitions. Through the process of writing, you can reveal your most important goals and design a strategy to achieve them.

The act of sitting down with a pen and paper can help clarify your visions and define what you really want. The process not only forces you to organize your thoughts and establish paths to your dreams but also sparks the motivation to go after them.

A manifestation journal is often used in coaching to provide the coach with a unique and detailed insight into the mindset and aspirations of the coachee. This tool is an excellent way for a coach to more deeply understand the coachee and will inform their approach going forward. A coach can then adapt their methodologies according to their unique needs and give more relevant guidance and support.

How to start a manifestation journal

Starting a manifestation journal is very straightforward. All you need is a pen and paper. It is recommended to avoid digital versions. The time and energy it takes to write with a pen will have a deeper impact on your subconscious mind and will make the process much more effective.
Step One: Define a vision

The first step of bringing your goals into reality is to get very clear on what you want. Take a look at your current reality and identify what areas you would like to improve, invest in and take to the level.

This could be in any of the following areas:

  • Professional life
  • Personal/Spiritual growth
  • Physical health
  • Relationships
  • Financial health
  • Creativity
  • Fun & adventure

The Wheel of Life is an excellent exercise to identify which areas of your life you want to improve. Whatever area you chose to focus on, consider what your ideal reality would be. Write out what you want to achieve, experience and receive in this category of life.

Manifestation prompts to define a vision:

  • What does my highest version of this reality look like?
  • What would make me fulfilled and satisfied in this area?
  • What goals do I want to achieve in this area?
  • What do I want this area to look like in six months?
  • What do I want this area to look like in three years?

Step Two: Match your emotional state

The next step is to align your emotional state with each of your visions. Sit with each vision and imagine it already exists in your life. Begin to cultivate the emotions associated with this reality. How does it feel to have achieved this goal?

Match how you feel with what you want. Do not wait until you achieve everything on your list to feel happiness and satisfaction. When you act as if you already have achieved your goals, your reality will shift to match your emotional state.

The greatest emotion you can cultivate to manifest your goals is gratitude. Gratitude is the state of receiving. When you can feel gratitude for what you want before you have it, you naturally attract it into your life. Abraham Hicks talks about the importance of being in the vibrational state of receiving in order to attract what you want. If you are closed off and focused on the emotions of lack (such as fear, insecurity and longing) you cannot be open to receive what you want to manifest.

Manifestation prompts to define a vision:

  • What value would this bring into my life?
  • Why am I working towards this?
  • What is the value behind this goal?
  • What are my motivations behind this vision?

Step Three: Set a purpose

For each vision, there must be a powerful reason for why you want it. This purpose will be your ‘north star’ as you work to bring it into your life. There will be days that you feel unmotivated to work towards your goals and having a clear purpose for why you set each objective will fuel you to move forward.

Simon Sinek argues that clearly establishing why you want something taps into the part of the brain that influences behavior. Having a strong ‘why’ will inevitably drive you to make the changes you need to materialize your goals.

Manifestation prompts to define your purpose:

  • What value would this bring into my life?
  • Why am I working towards this?
  • What is the value behind this goal?
  • What are my motivations behind this vision?

Step Four: Design a strategy

Now that you know what you want and why you want it, it is time to figure out how you will get there. Designing a strategy is about highlighting the behavioral changes necessary to bring your goal into reality. It is about considering the choices, habits and processes that will help you to achieve your goals.

This section can be as detailed as you like or it can be as simple as setting an intention. As you write out your strategy allow each point to become ingrained in your mind and write only what you can truly commit to doing.

Manifestation prompts to design a strategy:

  • What do I need to repeatedly do in order to achieve this objective?
  • What do I need to stop doing in order to achieve this objective?>
  • What habits and routines could I develop to progress towards this goal?
  • What kinds of actions and choices will bring this goal into my life?

Step Five: Review

The final step involves a review of your visions and an evaluation of your progress. This step is done after a set period of time and is best repeated every 6 months. This part of the process involves returning to each goal and evaluating your progress towards achieving it as well as questioning whether it still serves your overall vision.

Find different methods to track your progress towards each goal as different goals will require different metrics. Fitness goals are easily measured with personal best times but relationship goals may require more nuanced milestones. This is where a coach can help you to measure your progress and keep you on track.

Manifestation prompts to measure your progress:

  • What have I achieved since I set this goal?
  • What changes do I see in this area of my life?
  • Where have I seen the most progress?
  • What milestones have I reached?
manifestation journal

Manifestation journal tips

Make it a daily ritual

Try to be as consistent as possible. Maintain regular journal entries by journaling at the same time every day. Make it a habit by stacking it before or after something you do every day. For instance, after you shower or right before you go to bed. Combine it with something you love to do like drinking your morning coffee or afternoon tea.

Be present as you write

Stay present in the process and really feel everything you are writing. Feel the emotions of achieving your goals, feel the formation of your new intentions and feel your visions coming to life. Put away all distractions and give the writing your full attention.

Write in the present tense

Write each goal in the present tense to trick your mind into thinking it is already a reality. This primes your subconscious mind to be able to make the changes needed to achieve your goal while helping to shift your self-identity.

Be specific, detailed and use concise language

Each vision should be well-mapped out and detailed. Be precise in your wording and refer to the specific things you want to achieve and receive.

Make it fun

Enjoy the process. Find a way to write that interests you. This tool can be highly motivating and a huge source of inspiration. Finding the most enjoyable method for you will make it even more effective and help you to be consistent.

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Manifestation journal exercises

Once you have defined your vision, purpose and strategy you should continue to revisit your manifestation journal in order to keep your goals alive and fresh in your mind. The following are examples of some manifestation journal exercises to help keep you on track:

A Letter To Your Future Self

Write a letter to a future version of yourself, the version of you who has achieved your goals. Write out what you want to achieve, what you will do to achieve them and how you will feel.

A Gratitude List

Write a list of all the things you are grateful for in your life. Include people, situations, events and accomplishments in your life that you value most. As you write, allow the emotions of gratitude to grow. Next, write a list of all the things you want to manifest and feel grateful for receiving them.

Scripting Techniques

Write a detailed description of a reality where you have achieved your goal. This could be a specific situation, a day in the life or an ideal experience. Write in the present tense exactly how you envision it to be.


Think of positive statements that will help you establish empowering beliefs. As you list your affirmations focus on truly believing what you are writing. Here are some examples:

  • I am worthy of …
  • I am abundant with …
  • I am successful in …
  • I easily attract …

Morning Priming

The morning time is a powerful time to sit down and visit your manifestation journal as it sets the tone for your behavior for the rest of your day. Try beginning your day by rereading your goals, writing some affirmations, checking in on your progress and engraining the changes into your mind.

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In conclusion

When it comes to manifesting your goals, few tools come close to the effectiveness of a manifestation journal in helping you define your vision and keep you on track. Sharing your manifestation journal with your coach will be an invaluable addition to the coaching process. The input of your coach will help to refine your strategies and ensure you achieve your goals. A clear vision, a strong strategy and a meaningful purpose are essential elements of achieving goals. Work with your coach to help you develop these areas and you will be amazed by what you will attract!

Cathy Stapleton
Cathy is an Irish writer based in Berlin, Germany who is passionate about using words to inspire growth. As a certified mindfulness facilitator and performance coach, Cathy aims to create work that helps people connect with themselves and heighten their awareness. When she is not writing she is usually running in nature, meditating or contemplating an existential crisis.

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